Athletic Mouthguards

Anna Kids Dentistry is your trusted destination for comprehensive pediatric dental care. We understand the importance of protecting your child’s smile, not just during routine activities but also during sports and physical activities. That’s why we proudly offer athletic mouthguards, a crucial component of dental safety for young athletes.

What are Athletic Mouthguards?

Athletic mouthguards, also known as sports mouthguards, are custom-made oral appliances designed to protect your child’s teeth, gums, and jaw during sports and recreational activities. They act as a barrier, absorbing and distributing the impact forces that may occur due to falls, collisions or blows to the face, thereby reducing the risk of dental injuries.

Why are Athletic Mouthguards important?

Participating in sports and physical activities poses a potential risk of dental injuries, such as broken or knocked-out teeth, lip and cheek injuries and jaw fractures. Wearing an athletic mouthguard can significantly minimize the risk of these injuries and help safeguard your child’s oral health.

Benefits of Athletic Mouthguards

Protection: Athletic mouthguards provide a cushioning effect, absorbing and dispersing the force of impact, which helps protect the teeth, gums, lips and tongue from potential injuries.
Prevention of Dental Injuries: By wearing a properly fitted mouthguard, your child can significantly reduce the risk of dental trauma, such as chipped, cracked or knocked-out teeth.
Jaw Joint Protection: In addition to protecting the teeth, an athletic mouthguard also helps stabilize the jaw joints (temporomandibular joints) and may reduce the risk of jaw fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Comfort & Performance: Custom-made mouthguards provide a comfortable fit, allowing your child to breathe and speak easily while participating in sports. They won’t interfere with their performance on the field or court.

Custom-Made Mouthguards

At Anna Kids Dentistry, we prioritize your child’s safety and oral health. Our experienced dental team will create custom-made athletic mouthguards specifically tailored to fit your child’s unique mouth structure. Here’s what you can expect:
Consultation: During the initial visit, our dentist will examine your child’s oral health and discuss their specific athletic needs and concerns. We will explain the importance of mouthguards and the benefits they offer.
Custom Impression: To ensure a precise fit, we will take an impression of your child’s teeth and create a model. This impression will serve as a basis for fabricating a mouthguard that perfectly fits your child’s mouth.
Custom-Made Mouthguard: Using the model of your child’s teeth, we will fabricate a custom athletic mouthguard made of durable, high-quality materials. It will be designed to provide maximum protection while ensuring a comfortable fit.
Fitting: Once the mouthguard is ready, we will schedule a fitting appointment. Our dental team will make any necessary adjustments to ensure the mouthguard fits securely and comfortably.

Caring for Your Athletic Mouthguard

Proper care and maintenance of the athletic mouthguard are crucial for its effectiveness and longevity. We will provide detailed instructions on how to clean and store the mouthguard, ensuring it remains hygienic and in excellent condition.

Schedule a Consultation

Protect your child’s smile during sports and physical activities with a custom-made athletic mouthguard from Anna Kids Dentistry. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards safeguarding your child’s oral health. We are committed to providing exceptional care and helping your child enjoy their activities with confidence and peace of mind.


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