
Anna Kids Dentistry is your trusted destination for comprehensive pediatric dental and orthodontic care. We are proud to offer Invisalign, a cutting-edge orthodontic treatment that combines effectiveness, comfort and discretion for our young patients.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a state-of-the-art orthodontic system that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten your child’s teeth. The aligners are custom-made to fit snugly and comfortably over their teeth, providing a virtually invisible and comfortable orthodontic solution.

Treatment Plan with Invisalign

At Anna Kids Dentistry, our skilled orthodontists will create a personalized treatment plan for your child’s specific needs. Here’s an overview of the treatment process:
Initial Consultation: During this visit, our orthodontist will evaluate your child’s oral health, discuss their concerns and determine if Invisalign is the right option for them. We will take digital impressions or use 3D scanning to create a precise digital model of their teeth.
Customized Treatment Plan: Using advanced software, we will create a detailed treatment plan that maps out the precise movements of your child’s teeth throughout the Invisalign process. You’ll also get a glimpse of how their smile will transform over time.
Aligner Fabrication: Once the treatment plan is finalized, a series of custom aligners will be created specifically for your child’s teeth. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks before progressing to the next one in the series.
Wearing the Aligners: Your child will wear the aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. The aligners are comfortable and don’t interfere with their daily activities.
Progress Check-ups: We will schedule regular check-up appointments to monitor your child’s progress and provide them with new sets of aligners. These check-ups also allow us to address any questions or concerns you and your child may have.
Treatment Completion: Once your child has gone through all the aligners in their series, they will have achieved a beautifully aligned smile. We may recommend a retainer to help maintain the results of their treatment.

Advantages of Invisalign for Children

Discreet: The clear aligners are virtually invisible, allowing your child to undergo orthodontic treatment without feeling self-conscious.
Comfortable: The aligners are custom-made and smooth, ensuring a comfortable fit that minimizes irritation to the gums and cheeks.
Convenient: Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing your child to eat their favorite foods without restrictions and maintain good oral hygiene habits with ease.
Effective: Invisalign has been proven to effectively correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing issues, overbites, underbites and crossbites.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re considering Invisalign for your child’s orthodontic needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Anna Kids Dentistry. Our experienced orthodontists will evaluate your child’s oral health, discuss the benefits of Invisalign, and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve their desired smile.
Give your child the gift of a confident and healthy smile with Invisalign at Anna Kids Dentistry. Contact us today to embark on an exciting orthodontic journey tailored specifically for your child’s needs. We look forward to providing exceptional care and achieving outstanding results for your child’s oral health.



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