Sleep Apnea Appliances

Anna Kids Dentistry is your trusted destination for comprehensive pediatric dental care. We understand the importance of quality sleep for your child’s overall health and well-being. That’s why we proudly offer sleep apnea appliances, a specialized solution to help children with sleep-disordered breathing and improve their sleep patterns.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep. It can affect people of all ages, including children. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to various health issues, including daytime fatigue, poor concentration, behavioral problems and even compromised growth and development.

Sleep Apnea Appliances for Children

At Anna Kids Dentistry, we provide customized sleep apnea appliances designed specifically for children. These oral appliances are worn during sleep and help promote proper breathing and maintain an open airway. They are safe, comfortable and effective in treating sleep-disordered breathing in children.

Benefits of Sleep Apnea Appliances

Improved Sleep Quality: Sleep apnea appliances help improve airflow and reduce the frequency of breathing pauses, allowing your child to experience more restful and uninterrupted sleep.
Increased Oxygen Intake: By keeping the airway open, these appliances ensure that your child receives an adequate oxygen supply throughout the night, promoting overall health and well-being.
Enhanced Daytime Functioning: By addressing sleep-disordered breathing, sleep apnea appliances can alleviate symptoms such as daytime fatigue, irritability and difficulty concentrating, leading to improved daytime functioning and academic performance.
Non-Invasive & Convenient: Sleep apnea appliances are a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option. They are easy to wear and maintain, making them a convenient solution for children.

The Sleep Apnea Appliance Process

Consultation: During the initial visit, our dental team will evaluate your child’s sleep patterns, medical history and conduct a thorough examination. We will discuss the possibility of sleep apnea and recommend a sleep study if necessary.
Sleep Study: In some cases, a sleep study (polysomnogram) may be recommended to accurately diagnose your child’s sleep disorder. This study is conducted in a sleep center or at home, and it helps determine the severity of their sleep apnea.
Treatment Planning: Based on the sleep study results and your child’s individual needs, our dental team will create a personalized treatment plan. We will explain the benefits of sleep apnea appliances and discuss the steps involved in their fabrication and fitting.
Appliance Customization: We will take impressions or digital scans of your child’s teeth to create a custom sleep apnea appliance that fits comfortably and effectively.
Fitting & Adjustment: Once the sleep apnea appliance is ready, we will schedule a fitting appointment. Our dental team will ensure the appliance fits properly and make any necessary adjustments for your child’s comfort.
Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your child’s progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the appliance and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

Schedule a Consultation

If you suspect your child may be experiencing sleep-disordered breathing or sleep apnea, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Anna Kids Dentistry. Our experienced dental team will evaluate your child’s sleep patterns, discuss the benefits of sleep apnea appliances and create a personalized treatment plan to improve their sleep quality and overall well-being.
Help your child achieve restful and rejuvenating sleep with a customized sleep apnea appliance from Anna Kids Dentistry. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier and more energized future for your child. We are committed to providing exceptional care and helping your child enjoy the benefits of quality sleep.


Oral Appliances

Oral Appliances - Sleep Apnea Appliances

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