Traditional Metal Braces

Anna Kids Dentistry is your trusted destination for comprehensive pediatric dental and orthodontic care. We are excited to introduce you to traditional metal braces, a time-tested orthodontic treatment option that offers effectiveness, durability and affordability for our young patients.

What are Traditional Metal Braces?

Traditional metal braces consist of metal brackets and wires that work together to straighten your child’s teeth. They have been a popular and reliable orthodontic solution for decades, successfully addressing a wide range of dental misalignments.

Treatment Plan with Traditional Metal Braces

At Anna Kids Dentistry, our experienced orthodontists will create a personalized treatment plan using traditional metal braces to address your child’s unique orthodontic concerns. Here’s an overview of the treatment process:
Initial Consultation: During this visit, our orthodontist will evaluate your child’s oral health, discuss their concerns and determine if traditional metal braces are the right option for them. We will take digital impressions or use 3D scanning to create a precise digital model of their teeth.

Customized Treatment Plan: Based on your child’s specific needs, we will create a detailed treatment plan tailored to their dental condition. This plan will outline the stages of their orthodontic journey and the expected outcome.

Braces Placement: Our orthodontist will carefully attach the metal brackets to your child’s teeth using a dental adhesive. Archwires will be threaded through the brackets and secured with small elastic bands or ligatures. Adjustments may be made to ensure a comfortable fit.

Progress Check-ups: Regular check-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your child’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the braces. These visits also provide an opportunity to address any questions or concerns you and your child may have.

Treatment Completion: Once your child has completed the prescribed orthodontic treatment with traditional metal braces, they will achieve a beautifully aligned smile. We may recommend a retainer to help maintain the results of their treatment.

Pros & Cons of Traditional Metal Braces


Effectiveness: Traditional metal braces are highly effective in correcting various orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing issues, overbites, underbites and crossbites.
Durability: Metal braces are known for their durability, withstanding the forces involved in orthodontic treatment.
Affordability: Traditional metal braces are often more cost-effective compared to other orthodontic options.


Visibility: Metal braces are more noticeable compared to other types of orthodontic appliances. However, advancements in technology have made the brackets smaller and less obtrusive.

Schedule a Consultation

If you believe traditional metal braces may be the right choice for your child’s orthodontic needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Anna Kids Dentistry. Our experienced orthodontists will evaluate your child’s oral health, discuss the benefits and considerations of traditional metal braces and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve their desired smile.
Give your child the gift of a confident and healthy smile with traditional metal braces at Anna Kids Dentistry. Contact us today to embark on an exciting orthodontic journey tailored specifically for your child’s needs. We are committed to providing exceptional care and achieving outstanding results for your child’s oral health.



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